Monday, March 9, 2015

Coastal Oil - New York

This week's mug comes from Coastal Oil of New York.  The mug features a skyline with the outline of a truck in front of it. On the truck is the Coastal Oil Logo.   Below the truck is "Coastal Oil, New York, Inc."  At the bottom is an 800 number. Above the 800 number is a dark long rectangle.
When hot liquid is added to the mug, the skyline, the truck and the rectangle all turn clear and the phrase "Working for you." is clearly seen.  The change is only about half way what it should be, but enough to show this great mug.

Most likely a freebie given to corporate clients.

DESIGN:  1 Sided
TYPE: Freebie


  1. My dad drove for them and I am a collector of branded material from the Coastal Corp. its my little nod to my dad being passed away 15 years now. I was wondering if I could purchase this mug from you? If so please email me at

    Thank you for your understanding.

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