Monday, September 29, 2014

Viskazide Rx Medicine

This mug is from a pharmaceutical company and advertises the medicine 'Viskazide.'  Viskazide is a medicine for the treatment of Hypertensive Disorder.  On the main side is a large dark rectangle with the medicine's name 'viskazide."  Below this title are the two medicines that make up Viskazide, pindolol and hydrochlorothiazide. This mug was probably a giveaway to doctor's offices and hospitals as a way to get the name of the medicine out to the medical community. 

On the non-changing side of the mug, there is the medicine's name again, above the phrase "One Tablet - Once A Day*"  At the bottom, in small print,  the caveat "Once maintenance has been established."
Though the dark rectancle is not as opaque as it could be, when hot liquid is added the rectangle does clear nicely, showing a man in a suit, carrying a briefcase and riding along on a skateboard.  Also now visible is the descriptive: "FOR HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS ON THE GO."

This is a textbook case of a good use of Thermochromatic ink.  The design hides enough to make you wonder, and is complete enough to really make you remember it.  A really great mug in the collection. 

DESIGN:  Full, 1+ Sided
TYPE: Corporate Freebie

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